Monday 28 February 2011

Femme Fatal Logos

This is our first design for the logo it has typical film noir colours such a black and white. It also has smoke which is an enigma of film noir.
This logo is inspired by Sin City. It contains usual film noir colours such as the dark grey and black. The blood is in red like on sin city.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Call Sheet

Shoot Date:16/02/2011

Location: Greatham, Hartlepool, United Kingdom

Camera Equipment: Video camera, tripod,

Lighting Equipment: Canon XL1S camera lights.

Props: Fake gun x2

Costume (Owen): Shirt, tie, trousers, smart shoes
Costume (Laimis): Shirt, tie, trousers, coat, hat, smart shoes

Friday 4 February 2011


View more documents from Dan McGovern.

Sum up of pitch in 25 words
Good cop, bad cop, femme fatale. Conflict between detectives causes more than just a ruckus and Detective Carter finds out more than he bargained for.

Femme Fatal Storyboard

This is the initial storyboard for our opening sequence, we have decided to include a lot of effects make it as action packed as possible  along with all the usual film noir conventions.

Shot No.
Shot Type
Movement / Action
Extra Information
(Mise En Scene Dialogue Ect)
Close up, hand held dolly
Feet of Carter running
Synchronous enhanced sound of shoes.
Establishing shot
Showing Alleyway

Medium Shot
Showing Carter running
Enhanced sound focusing on his breathing
POV shot/ tilt upwards
Carter looking down, as he runs, at his feet. He then tilts upwards
Enhanced sound focusing on his breathing and feet
Over the shoulder
Carter looking back

Carter viewing the shaded villain for the first time
Ominous tone will start. Blacked out Villian
POV hand held
Carter running looking at end of alley
Heavy Breathing
Over shoulder shot
Carter turning around again and seeing figure raise gun
Blacked out Villian
Close up of gun
Close up as The villain shoots the gun
Sound Effects

Over the shoulder
Seeing Carter fall from the perspective of the villain
Villain still not visible to audience.
Low angle shot
Seeing Carters fall from another view

Side view long shot
Showing Carter fall yet again from another view

Medium close up shot
Focused on Carters face against a wall
Carter will be breathing heavily and showing his pain
POV of Carter
Show Carter as his eyes close and the gun raises towards him
We will use an editing technique to make the POV look as if Carter is closing his eyes.

Risk Assessment

Firstly a main risk for our film is due to the limited amount of Film Noir films that are released. This could result in a lower interest in the film as its genre as it is not popular. Therefore the film needs to be marketed successfully to maximize interest resulting in maximum revenue. To minimize the risks we are going to use viral marketing. For example certain web sights such as youtube and board sheet newspapers would be taken over by a blank screen with a silhouette of the femme fatal smoking a cigarette. This would create suspense and desire creation to no more about the film. Also marketing on such web sights and with the use of a attractive woman this would attract the main audience of older men as they are more likely to watch a film of such genre.

Another risk could be financing the film. We need to ensure that we make the film look believable, realistic and professional on our low budget. In order for use to achieve these elements we need to make sure the location is correct. For a film noir this would be great if it could be a cite like New York however this is not possible therefore we will have to make do with local locations such as streets or disused warehouses.

In order for the filming to go along with schedule we will need to make sure that all cameras use have full charge before we head out filming so make sure we charge them the night before, and also that the actors have the correct costume and are here on time, so reference to the call sheet and filming dates would be needed. Also although we can not control the weather it would be better if we could film on a dull day however if it rains this could result in a delay to filming.

The final risk that we could face is trouble due to the fact we are using guns, although they are fake if a passer by was to see them in a quick glance they could get scared and call the police and this could be a nightmare and not only delay filming but get us in to trouble therefore we need to be careful and not film in a highly populated place.